ProMiner Shovel Operator Training Simulator Demo VideoThe ProMiner Shovel Operator Training Simulator, a 3D simulator developed by ForgeFX for P&H [...]
Plastic surgery might not be the first thing that comes to your mind when you think about 3D simulators, but lately there have been a number of 3D surgery [...]
Happy 2011, here's to a great new year!ForgeFX wrapped up the year in Orlando at I/ITSEC (Interservice/Industry Training Simulation and Education Conference), [...]
With everything going on in the news right now about the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, it’s clear that the drilling industry needs to increase the amount [...]
If the training of drivers is part of your business, then driving simulators are for you. United Parcel Service, in an effort to fix the 30% flunk rate of [...]
The University of Texas at Dallas, Arts & Technology (ATEC) Wins National Modeling and Simulation Award for a 3D Interactive Program: First Person Cultural [...]